Effective until February 15: For the safety of others, face masks are mandatory upon entering the suite. If you are experiencing signs of fever, cold or flu symptoms or have been exposed within the past two (2) weeks. We would be happy to reschedule your 5-day symptom free appointment (for vaccinated patients) and 10-day symptom free appointment for non-vaccinated patients. You are permitted to bring a family memeber with you to your appointment.
Orthopedic Specialists of San Diego is following all recommended guidelines from public health authorities. Our practice is open for you and will always provide vigilant protocol of routine cleaning and disinfection procedures. Appointment times are designed to place patients in exam rooms at check-in to minimize exposure to others. Rest assure, your health remains our continued priority. We are partnering with Doxy.me to offer private and secure tele-medicine video visits to our established patients. Call and see if your specialist offers this service.
Outpatient surgery restrictions are lifted at all facilities. Each hospital maintains their own guidelines for surgery patients and all mandate a negative test prior to surgery. Our scheduling is focused around these guidelines. Thank you for your continued trust in our care of your orthopedic needs.
CDC website for COVID-19
Local SAN DIEGO Website
USA.GOV website